By mid-December, most people have already made a move on their holiday shopping list. But for others, this “crunch time” can turn from something loving and special to a season of stress and materialism. How can you make this holiday season one filled with connection and love? Try these great tips from your favorite diner in Rockaway!
Give the Gift of Quality Time
What magic gift will help you build a stronger relationship with your teens, relight the spark in your marriage, or let you cherish your time with aging parents? Hint: it’s not about the gift! Making time to spend with those you love is one of the best ways to build a stronger relationship, and one way to show this commitment is through gifting shared experiences! Plan a day of sledding, book tickets for a hot new show, or purchase a gift card to Red Hut Diner for a “promise” to spend quality time with those you love.
Dine Together
From mighty lions to fluffy bunnies, most living creatures enjoy social dining. When you share food with others, you are meeting deep needs of nourishment and safety. This holiday season, keep this info in mind and invite your closest family, a new friend, or a friendly neighbor out for a meal! Many of your favorite restaurants in New Jersey have special holiday menus, so don’t forget to check for favorites!
Express Gratitude
Not every gift has to be wrapped. One of the best gifts to give yourself and others is gratitude. Thank your employees for supporting your business, thank your partner for helping raise a beautiful family, thank your tween for putting away her phone for a whole hour. When you express gratitude, you not only make the other person feel valued, you improve your own mood by drawing your attention to something positive.
Keep your loved ones in mind this holiday season, and for a casual, delicious meal to share, check out the Red Hut Diner in New Jersey! The staff at Red Hut Diner wishes you and yours a happy holiday season and bright new year!